Hello, I'm Krystal Kenney, a small-town dreamer turned Paris local. I love reading, adventures, and working with my little dog Coco at my side. My goal? To help others own their dreams and live a more creative life. Join me on this journey as we unlock your potential and turn your dreams into a reality. 

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Creative, Podcast

Chasing Dreams in France: Anna Roberts’ Journey – Coaching Expats to success abroad

Moving to a new country is an exciting yet daunting experience. It takes a lot of determination and organization to successfully integrate into a new culture, but luckily there are people who can help, like Anna Roberts! Anna is a coach for expats in Paris – she helps expats find community, complete complicated administrative tasks, and provides general support to people to hope to create their next home here in the City of Light. 

Struggles of Moving to France:

Anna Roberts, originally from Manchester in the UK, moved to France over 10 years ago so she knows first-hand about the challenges that new arrivals to France face from the complicated emotional impact to overwhelming administrative tasks. According to Anna, connecting with fellow expats through organizations like InterNations and Facebook groups can provide vital support and a sense of belonging when faced with some of these challenges. 

Cultural Adjustment and Language Learning:

It’s important for expats to accept and embrace the reality of living in France and to be patient with themselves. Cultural adjustment takes time and effort. Things like learning the language and understanding French culture can take years! Because of this, Anna recommends starting to learn French before moving to France to facilitate a smoother transition and deeper integration into the local community.

Flexibility and Decision Making:

Moving to a foreign country to live isn’t easy and so as an expat Coach, Anna also walks her clients through the difficult decision of staying or leaving. She believes in the importance of flexibility and recognizing that everything is subject to change. By examining priorities and identifying areas of imbalance with her clients, Anna helps them gain clarity and make informed decisions about their future in France.

Creativity and Authenticity:

How does this relate to creativity? Moving to a new country requires individuals to tap into their creativity by embracing vulnerability and sharing their authentic selves with others. Anna believes creativity is an expression of authenticity, extending beyond artistic endeavors to building businesses and relationships.

Connecting and Supporting Expats:

Anna’s mission is to help expats feel settled and supported in their new home, which is one of the reasons that she started her coaching service and “The Expat Hangouts,” a Facebook group where expats can connect, share experiences, and find a sense of community. With this group Anna provides a safe place for expats to verbalize their challenges and seek solutions together. 

Moving to France is an adventure filled with joys and struggles but having the right support system can make the process much smoother. Anna Roberts emphasizes the importance of connection, flexibility, and authenticity and knows that while challenges may arise, resources and communities are available to help you feel at home. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Anna Roberts and her coaching services, reach out to her through her Instagram page, @AnnaRobertsCoaching, or join her Facebook group, “The Expat Hangouts.”

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