Hello, I'm Krystal Kenney, a small-town dreamer turned Paris local. I love reading, adventures, and working with my little dog Coco at my side. My goal? To help others own their dreams and live a more creative life. Join me on this journey as we unlock your potential and turn your dreams into a reality. 

la vie creative stories

Creative, Paris, Podcast

Embracing Radical Vulnerability with Rebecca Harvey and Under the Umbrella

Imagine this, you’re sitting on a chair facing an audience. You have a microphone in one hand and your journal in the other. You open your journal and begin reading one of the entries out loud to the group of people in front of you, some of whom you know, and some you’ve never met before. Sounds scary right? Meet the group that embraces radical vulnerability by doing just that. Rebecca Harvey and Clara Bauer run Under the Umbrella on (typically) the last Wednesday of the month in the heart of Paris and encourages participants to share things that were never meant to be shared.

From San Francisco to Paris

Paris is a city renowned for its rich culture and inspiring beauty and is now home to Under the Umbrella organizer Rebecca Harvey. Originally from San Francisco, Rebecca’s love for linguistics and her initial experience in Nantes drew her back to France after university. Now, she has found a second home in Paris, joining a unique community of creatives who continuously inspire her journey.

Introducing Under the Umbrella

Under the Umbrella is a community night dedicated to radical vulnerability. Founded by Danielle Giroux, this event encourages participants to read unedited texts aloud—diary entries, notes app musings, direct messages, even Tinder exchanges are all fair game. The purpose is to share authentic, unpolished moments of life that wouldn’t typically be showcased publicly. Danielle moved back to the United States to start Under the Umbrella – East Coast and Rebecca has continued running the events in Paris.

The Magic of Radical Vulnerability

Rebecca explains that the concept of radical vulnerability lies at the heart of “Under the Umbrella.” It creates a safe space where individuals can laugh at themselves and share personal stories without judgment. This openness is not only entertaining but also therapeutic, helping participants shed their shame by bringing private thoughts into the open. This form of artistic expression reinforces the idea that every individual’s experiences are valuable and connected.

Crafting a Connected Expat Community

Under the Umbrella serves as a refuge for Anglophone creatives in Paris, offering a monthly gathering that fosters connection and artistic expression. Typically held on the last Wednesday of each month at Les Écuries Bar near Châtelet, these events are open to both residents and visitors. The supportive atmosphere ensures that everyone, from experienced artists to newbies, feels welcome to share their stories.

The Impact of Paris on Creative Work

Living in Paris has profoundly influenced Rebecca’s creative journey. The city’s artistic community has encouraged her to move from merely consuming art to actively producing it. This shift was further accelerated by the pandemic, which highlighted the essential need for creative expression as a means of coping and connecting.

Creativity as a Lifelong Process

Rebecca views creativity as an essential need, an expression of play, and a way to externalize and bring meaning to life’s small moments. This process allows her to transform mundane experiences into art, continually fostering her creative instincts. Her philosophy underscores the importance of participating in and contributing to the artistic community, rather than just observing from the sidelines.

Building Creative Communities and Projects

Rebecca is also working on other projects, including a newsletter titled “Curation Against Consumption.” This initiative aims to combat the mindless consumption of digital content by curating thought-provoking material to inspire readers. In conjunction with her involvement in “Under the Umbrella,” Rebecca hopes to cultivate a more intentional and connected artistic community.

Paris continues to be a beacon for creatives from around the world and through initiatives like “Under the Umbrella” and the diverse artistic communities that flourish in the city, artists like Rebecca Harvey find inspiration, support, and the freedom to express their most authentic selves. If you’re a creative individual or simply someone who values artistic expression, Paris offers an unparalleled environment to explore and develop your talents. Every artist has a unique story, and in Paris, there’s always a place to share it. Whether you’re contributing to an art club like Rebecca’s or participating in community nights, the city’s blend of history, culture, and creativity provides a perfect backdrop for your artistic journey.

Follow along with Under the Umbrella on Instagram and find Rebecca’s substack Curation Against Consumption here.

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