Hello, I'm Krystal Kenney, a small-town dreamer turned Paris local. I love reading, adventures, and working with my little dog Coco at my side. My goal? To help others own their dreams and live a more creative life. Join me on this journey as we unlock your potential and turn your dreams into a reality. 

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Creative, Podcast

Embracing Intuitive Healing and Creativity with Amanda Mehalick

The world seems to be moving at an increasingly frenzied pace and the hustle and bustle of daily life often seem overwhelming but finding inner peace and connecting with our true selves is more crucial than ever. Amanda Mehalick, an intuitive healer with roots in California who now divides her time between Paris and the United States, provides a unique perspective on how to achieve this through intuitive healing and creativity. Here, we explore her journey, her approach to healing, and how to reconnect with our inner sacred.

The Journey to Intuitive Healing

Amanda’s path to becoming an intuitive healer was unconventional but deeply transformative. Initially studying to be a nurse, Amanda’s life took a different turn after an intuitive session that predicted a shift away from nursing. This session ignited her interest in metaphysical healing and led her to embark on a three-year intuitive healing program that profoundly changed her life. Through this program, she discovered the power of healing oneself as a precursor to helping others. Amanda’s business began to flourish as she started practicing on people who later became her clients, recognizing the impact and depth of her intuitive healing abilities.

The Importance of Environment and Self-Care

Amanda underscores the importance of our environment in maintaining a balanced and healthy life. Living in Paris, she notes the energy and stimulation that come with being in a bustling city, but she also stresses the need to find moments of peace and quiet to reconnect with oneself. Self-care, Amanda explains, often falls to the bottom of our to-do lists. Many of us are caught in a cycle of doing, driven by demanding jobs and endless to-do lists. However, prioritizing self-care doesn’t necessarily mean scheduling spa days or workouts; it can also mean finding solace in everyday moments. Ancient cultures, she points out, had self-care so embedded in their daily lives that it didn’t need a label.

Connecting with Your Inner Sacred

According to Amanda, everyone has access to their own “inner sacred,” a peaceful and restorative sanctuary within themselves. Identifying what sacred means to you—whether it is feeling at peace, joy, or contentment—is the first step toward reconnecting with this inner sanctuary. One effective way to reconnect with your inner sacred is through visualization. For Amanda, it’s a deep forest where she feels the most connected and at peace. Each individual can find their own unique sacred place that evokes similar feelings of tranquility and connection.

The Role of Multidimensional Awareness

Amanda’s concept of multidimensional awareness involves recognizing that we are an accumulation of different versions of ourselves from various stages of life and even past lifetimes. By accessing these multiple dimensions of our being, we can gain deeper insights and understandings about who we are and how we interact with the world. This expanded awareness can be transformative, helping individuals to access different facets of their identity and wisdom that can inform their present actions and choices.

Utilizing Journaling for Self-Discovery

One powerful tool Amanda advocates for reconnecting with oneself is journaling. Writing down feelings and thoughts can serve as a gateway to accessing our inner wisdom and clarifying our inner worlds. Journaling provides a tangible means of making space for self-reflection and intuitive understanding. Amanda’s journals, crafted to support this journey, are designed to help individuals navigate their thoughts and emotions, fostering a deeper connection with their inner sacred.

Creating Our Own Realities

At the heart of Amanda’s work is the belief that we create our own realities through our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. By examining and shifting our internal narratives, we can change how we experience the world. This process often involves addressing and healing past traumas, which Amanda excels at facilitating. She emphasizes that fears are not to be avoided but understood and managed. By playing out worst-case scenarios and preparing for them mentally, we can diminish their power over us and make conscious choices that align with our desired outcomes.

The Magic of Life

Amanda defines magic as the awareness of something beyond ourselves that guides, supports, and connects us. Moments of magic occur when we feel a deeper connection to the world around us, an intangible yet very real experience that enriches our lives. This sense of magic is closely tied to the love and creativity that flow from connecting with our inner sacred.

Services and Offerings

Amanda Mehalick offers a range of services to help individuals on their healing journeys. These include one-on-one sessions, group work, workshops, online courses, and sacred site retreats. Each of these services is designed to facilitate deeper self-connection and healing, empowering individuals to live more fully and creatively. To learn more about Amanda’s work and services, you can visit her website at www.amandamiamehalick.com or follow her on Instagram at @amandamiamehalick. Embrace the journey of intuitive healing and creativity, and find your path to a more connected and fulfilling life.

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