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Creative, Podcast

A Journey Through World War II in Paris with Author Chris Manby

With over 40 books under her belt and a unique passion for weaving history into captivating narratives, author Chris Manby presents her latest work, “The Excitements.” This book takes readers on an enthralling journey through the lives of two elderly women during World War II, blending past and present into a compelling story. Today on the podcast Chris tells us how she became a writer, about her creative process and more about her exciting new book.

Discovering the Creative Spark

Chris Manby’s journey as an author began at a young age. Encouraged by a fantastic English teacher, she submitted a short story to a magazine called Just 17 at just 14 years old. The early success launched her writing journey, instilling a drive that would carry her through the inevitable rejections of the publishing world. Although Chris didn’t always envision herself as a writer, she embraced it as a secondary creative outlet when art school was not an option. Over time, she fell in love with writing. She believes that the fact that writing wasn’t her first love helped her withstand the early rejections, ultimately paving the way for a successful career.

Overcoming Obstacles

One of the biggest challenges faced by aspiring writers is finding the time to write. Chris shares a piece of advice from her friend, Jenny Colgan, who suggested using the time allotted for a favorite TV show to write. Colgan’s “Coronation Street novel” method, named after a British soap opera, encourages dedicating specific time to writing, resulting in a novel within half a year. Finishing the project and finding trusted readers are crucial pieces of advice from Chris. Completing a manuscript can be a significant hurdle, and having a finished product sets writers apart. Trusted readers provide invaluable feedback, though Chris emphasizes choosing individuals whose criticism is constructive and trustworthy.

The Writing Process and Historical Influence

Chris Manby’s writing process has evolved over her career. Initially starting with high-concept ideas, she now meticulously plans her novels. “The Excitements” originated from her work on a non-fiction book with two World War II veterans. Conversations with these inspiring women led to the creation of her latest novel. Set during World War II, “The Excitements” weaves together various timelines and characters, presenting a plotting challenge. Chris uses visual aids like color-coded grids and post-its to manage the complexity of her stories, ensuring a balanced and paced narrative.

Celebrating Vibrant Lives

One of the remarkable aspects of “The Excitements” is its celebration of elderly women and their vibrant lives. Chris was inspired by the 90-something-year-old women she worked with, who were fearless and full of energy. Their stories, whether about taking up horseback riding at 95 or flying in a World War II plane at 103, are testaments to their indomitable spirits. Chris hopes her book will encourage readers to look at the older generation with renewed respect and curiosity, recognizing the rich experiences and wisdom they possess. She emphasizes that creativity and passion for life do not diminish with age; instead, they can flourish and inspire us all.

The Importance of Historical Accuracy

While “The Excitements” is primarily a comedy, Chris was committed to respecting the historical accuracy of the women’s contributions during World War II. She wanted to honor the bravery of women within the resistance in France, ensuring that their stories were told with the dignity they deserved.

Creativity as a Universal Spark

Manby believes that creativity is inherent in every human being. Whether through writing, cooking, fashion, or storytelling, everyone has a creative spark. Her advice to those who feel they aren’t creative is to expand their horizons and embrace various forms of expression. She encourages aspiring writers to write authentically, avoiding a stilted, formal style that deviates from their natural voice.

Future Projects

One of the best pieces of advice Chris received was from Jean, one of the inspiring veterans she worked with. Jean emphasized that failure does not exist; rather, it’s about deciding not to waste any more time on unfulfilling pursuits. This perspective is invaluable, especially for creative individuals navigating their paths. Chris Manby’s upcoming project, “Bad Influence,” set to release in January, continues exploring World War II themes while standing alone as a self-contained story. It focuses on a woman who was a child prisoner of war in Singapore, promising another riveting read for fans.

Connect with Chris Manby

Readers can stay connected with Chris Manby and explore her works through her websites and social media. Her websites, christinemanby.com and authorcjwray.com, provide more information about her books and creative endeavors. Chris is also active on Instagram and Twitter, where she shares insights and engages with readers. “The Excitements” is a profound blend of history, comedy, and inspiration, urging readers to look at life and those around them with newfound appreciation. Through her captivating storytelling, Chris Manby continues to enrich the literary world, one thrilling story at a time.

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